Raffle launched to help little Charlie get new wheelchair after his was stolen
A community has come together to help raise funds to replace a stolen wheelchair.

The theft has left Charlie, who has cerebral palsy, housebound.
The chair was also stolen again, having been left on the street, so members of the community started working to raise the £3,000 needed to replace the specialist equipment.
A Go Fund Me page has been set up, with more than £1,500 already raised. Other events have also been held to raise funds.
Annisa Wade has been part of the fundraising effort alongside her family, with a cash raffle raising £200, while both of her father’s businesses donated £100 each.
She said: “It means a lot to be able to do this as we all want to do what we can to get Charlie back up and mobile again.
“Our family does a lot for charity, be it feed the homeless at Christmas and causes like that, and we love to get involved to help people, so it feels like the least we can do to help.”

Miss Wade said she and her sister Keira have organised a new raffle with a private number plate reading NH5 1LUV, which has come from Keira’s workplace Brookfleet.
She said the plan was to sell off 250 tickets, priced at £5 each, to help raise the remainder of the funds required by the Morley family.
“What we’ve done is create our own sheet and tickets which we are advertising on Facebook, then we’ll do a random number generator and announce the winner from there,” she added.
“It’s all part of the effort to help Charlie that other people in the community are doing and we hope people will take part to help the cause.”
Tickets can be bought by paying to PayPal with the email annisa.work@hotmail.co.uk or by make a bank transfer to: sort code, 110069; account number, 10930460; account name, Annisa M J Wade.
To make a donation to the Go Fund Me page, visit gofundme.com/f/charlie-for-a-new-wheelchair