Express & Star

£400k boost for 'well-used' green spaces

A council has secured £400,000 in funds to improve 'well-used' green spaces in their borough.

The Cracker, which is due to be upgraded as part of a £400,000 scheme to improve Sandwell's green spaces

Sandwell Council has secured the investment to help improve a well-trodden strip of green corridor known as 'The Railer' and 'The Cracker' in Princes End, Tipton.

As part of the funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, $400,000 has been allocated to a range of green space improvements for the two green spaces.

The funding will be used over a two-year period, to tackle anti-social behaviour issues, littering and improving green space design and community engagement.

The upgrades will include supporting residents to develop a Friends Group for the protection of the green spaces.

Councillor Charn Singh Padda, Sandwell Council's cabinet member for leisure and tourism, said: "This is great news for people in Tipton and will help improve this 'green corridor' for the local community.

"We will be working closely with local community groups and residents to develop the proposals for improvements."

For more details on the green space improvements, please visit the Sandwell Council website