Express & Star

Sandwell councillors clash over cost of living motion

Conservative and Labour councillors in Sandwell have clashed over their parties' records over finances, during a motion on the cost of living crisis.

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Sandwell Council leader Kerrie Carmichael

A motion submitted by the leader of Sandwell Council, Labour's Kerrie Carmichael, called for the local authority to declare a ‘cost of living emergency’ – just as neighbouring Birmingham City Council announced in September.

Councillor Carmichael pointed to figures suggesting around 11,000 people were visiting the borough’s warm spaces – a free space anyone can visit to avoid getting cold at home – and that a WhatsApp group set up by the council had “exceeded what we thought the numbers would be”.

The motion called the council to explore ways to explore council funds to help the most vulnerable in the Black Country borough, “even though we recognise the governments cuts over the last decade”.

The motion also called on the council to convene a cost of living summit to invite partners, businesses, organisations, trade unions and MPs to discuss further action needed.

Opening the debate, Councillor Carmichael said: “In April this year, we brought a motion to this council acknowledging that times were getting tough for people who live in Sandwell and that further help from the Government will be needed to allow our residents to make ends meet.

“Unfortunately, since then, we’ve had two further Budgets in the matter of months, making this even more difficult for our residents who must now stretch their money further than ever before.

“We know just from our casework our residents are very proud people and don’t want to ask for help through no fault of their own. They’ve found themselves in a situation where they cannot see any way out of it.”

Councillor David Fisher, the Conservative opposition leader, told the chambers he “wholeheartedly agrees” with Labour’s cost of living motion, but added in his own amendment that Sandwell Council must “recognise the adverse impact that the council’s own budget and fiscal policy” has had on local people.

He said: “I don’t think [the motion] goes far enough, because the cost of living crisis is affecting everyone. It upsets me to hear the stories of residents really struggling during this time.

“But this council, like the Government, has a duty to its residents, and would be naive of us to to not recognise the financial impacts of this council’s economic policy on our residents.”

Councillor Fisher listed government funds that have topped up council’s budget to help local people – including the £3.4 million Household Support Fund and £20 million for the energy rebate scheme – and claimed government support was “more than adequate for this council”.

He added: “They might not like what’s been said tonight, as I said the Government has given this local authority more than enough funding. So how you choose to spend it, that’s your prerogative. You are the administration, so you can choose how you go about your business.”

Conservative councillor William Gill said the council “need to look a little bit closer to home” as to why residents continue to struggle, pointing out a 4.99 per cent council tax rate.

He said: “It would be unfair to say that it’s all central government’s fault. The only reason why people are suffering is due to a pandemic that happened, that no one could have seen. A war in Ukraine that’s currently going on isn’t helping matters either.”

Labour councillor Richard McVittie thanked Couuncillor Fisher for his “political broadcast of why you would not vote Conservative at the next election”.

He added: “It’s too little too late and not enough to support our communities. And can I just say how disappointed I am in Sandwell Council that we have to create this, but how proud and humble that we’ve risen to the occasion as a council to save our residents.”

Deputy leader Bob Piper added an amendment to the Conservatives' amended motion, suggesting it was the “Conservative Government of the last 12 years” responsible for their own budget and fiscal policy.

Conservative Amrita Dunn hit back at Labour and said the amendment was to hold the council to account over its financial mismanagement.

She said: “The role of the council is to make sure that these funds get utilised and that the money is invested wisely. Those are the council’s choices."

Labour councillor John Giles said: “You can give a try kick us as much as you like, but at the end of the day, you know and your MPs know that the crisis was caused by the Government down in London, not here in Sandwell.”

Councillor Fisher’s amendment was voted down, while councillor Carmichael’s amendment was approved by a majority Labour vote. The Conservatives abstained on the original motion.