Express & Star

Row erupts over 'poor quality' green spaces in Sandwell

A row erupted this week over green spaces and their poor quality, revealed in a cabinet document at Sandwell council.

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Dartmouth Park, in West Bromwich

During Sandwell council’s full meeting this week, cabinet minutes from June were presented to councillors.

One of the items within the minutes, the ‘Green Space Strategy Implementation and Business Plan’ caused discussion in the chambers.

In the document, 83 per cent of amenity greenspaces and 87 per cent of green corridors were classified as poor. All six towns in the Sandwell borough had more than 50 per cent of its green spaces rated as poor.

This is despite the council celebrating its retention of 14 ‘Green Flags’, an international quality mark, for parks across the borough.

The report said: “Priorities have traditionally been set to focus on achieving Green Flag Awards for parks. This is understandable, as the priority had been to deliver significant externally funded parks development projects, and a focus on achieving Green Flag status assisted with this.

“However, the 2018 Green Spaces Audit demonstrates the need to address the neighbourhood and local level green spaces for the wards with the lowest amount of high-quality green space, with a larger number of smaller sites (green corridors and amenity green spaces) significantly impacting the quality score.”

A rethink into Sandwell Valley and how to increase its revenue, following a reduction in visiting numbers, were also revealed in the document.

Councillor David Fisher, leader of the opposition for Sandwell Conservatives, said it was the wrong approach, claiming the plan were of a “controlling nature” and that park groups were best to make decisions on the green spaces.

He said: “This is after years of neglect by this Labour-controlled council. The report goes on to say that if the green space strategy wasn’t approved, it would be detrimental in terms of lack of investment.

“My question is what’s been going on for the past number of years? As I mentioned earlier, I’m chair of the Friends of Redhouse Park, and we’ve seen a full-time gardener removed; car parks that are no longer locked as a result of increased anti-social behaviour; litter bins needing constant reporting; and broken play equipment.

“If wasn’t for the fantastic volunteers in all parks in Sandwell, helping to keep our parks looking its best they would be in a terrible condition. ”

Councillor Fisher also claimed he did not receive a consultation letter about the new green space strategy.

Questions were also raised about changing Friends Groups meeting – volunteers who look after Sandwell’s green spaces – into quarterly meetings.

Councillor Jay Anandou said: “There are to be quarterly meetings for friends for the north and south of the borough. The volunteer groups will not be allowed direct access to the park officers, but will have to go through the council portal for any issues that they wish to raise, just like any other member of the public.

“They will probably [have to ] wait until the quarterly meetings to raise any new business, and this will cause unnecessary red tape.”

Responding, Kerrie Carmichael, the leader of Sandwell council, said: “I’m aware that Councillor Fisher didn’t receive a letter.  I will look into that. I’m not too sure why you didn’t receive a letter.

“With the green space strategy that is something that’s going forward we realise that some work has been needed in different parts but we still have magnificent green flag parks in the area. The strategy you’ll say which Councillor Rollins will probably be able to answer better than myself is that we’re they’re investing into different areas rather than just the green flag.”