Express & Star

Mass protest on behalf of bin collectors in Sandwell

Dozens of angry protesters were outside Sandwell Council – fighting against the 'bullying' faced by bin collectors.

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There was a protest outside Sandwell Council House

The demonstration comes ahead of the next bin strike which will see more than 100 refuse collectors walk out on Friday October 22.

Friday will be the fourth day of industrial action by Sandwell’s refuse collectors after the firm Serco failed to address bullying and safety concerns.

Justine Jones, GMB organiser, said: "Today’s protest shows the people of Sandwell have got their refuse collector’s backs.

"Despite Serco’s big talk, the job is still unsafe, and the bullying continues.

"We urge bosses to speak to GMB, allay our members’ legitimate health and safety concerns and avoid further disruption for the people of Sandwell."

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