Speed limits to be lowered on parts of M6 and M5
Speed limits on stretches of the M6 and M5 are to be cut to 60mph to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

Highways England is set to trial the speed limits on M6 Junctions 6 to 7 Witton, M5 Junctions 1 to 2 Oldbury, M1 Junctions 34s to 33 Rotherham and M602 Junctions 1 to 3 Eccles.
The M5 speed limit change will be later this year, but all others will be changed by the end of this month.
The speed limits in these areas are being reduced as they were identified as areas where the Nitrogen dioxide levels exceeded the mean annual limit.
On the website, Highways England says the impact on journey times will be "minimal".
Ivan Le Fevre, head of environment at Highways England said: “We have a duty to tackle air quality around our network and as part of this we are trialling 60mph speed limits on short sections of our network where action needs to be taken.
“Ultimately the air quality challenge will be solved ‘at the tailpipe’ by vehicle manufacturers and changes in vehicle use. Until this happens we will continue our extensive programme of pioneering research and solutions.
“The speed limits trial will stay in place until the shift to cleaner vehicles means we can remove the restrictions and maintain cleaner air.”
The penalty for breaking these new speed limits will be the same as for breaking any other speed limit.
The 60mph speed limits will be displayed on roadside signs.
The speed limits will be operational 24 hours a day.
Emissions are measured on annual mean figures and so the restrictions will be in place around the clock in order to improve air quality and bring down emissions levels at these locations, Highways England says.