West Bromwich care home ‘did not deal' with abuse claims
A mental health care home has been placed in special measures after allegations of abuse were not dealt with properly.
Inspectors raised concerns after allegations of abuse had not been responded to or escalated at McLaren House, in Bratt Street, West Bromwich.
The home, which cares for up to nine people, was given an overall inadequate rating by the Care Quality Commission, in a report.
Safety and leadership were given the lowest rating, while its effectiveness, care and responsiveness was rated, requires improvement.
The report said: “People we spoke with told us they felt safe and secure at the home. However, numerous incidents including abuse and/or allegations of abuse had not been adequately responded to and escalated to relevant partner agencies such as the local authority.”
The report spoke of serious allegations, adding that the CQC was forced to step in.
It added: “The provider failed to take adequate action to protect service users from harm despite our prompts.
“We took urgent enforcement action and raised our concerns with the local authority.” The home was praised for letting people have control over their own care. It added: “One person who wanted to leave was being supported to do so.”
A McLaren House spokesman said it could not comment on the report at this stage, due to legal action.