Family call for action on Lye 'cut through' which has seen two serious accidents
Police are set to carry out speed checks on road in Lye which has been the scene of two serious crashes.

In the second one, on Friday October 17, a speeding vehicle crashed into Natalie Skelding's car parked in front of her house which sits on a bend in Hayes Lane.
It was the second serious accident on the same stretch of road in just over a year - the Express & Star reported how in August last year Ms Skelding's children were left traumatised after a car crashed into the family home, narrowly missing her two young children.

Her mother Wendy has led a campaign and had the support of then Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb to install safety measures and barriers, which is used as a popular cut through between the A458 at ye, and Cradley Heath.
New MP Cat Eccles has pledged her support as well as Halesowen MP Alex Ballinger who represents the area and police and council officials are set to carry out a speed check operation on Saturday morning to determine whether new measures are needed.

Wendy said: "“It’s terrifying living here. Every night we worry about the next crash.
"The first one last year caused massive damage to the house and this one wrote off Natalie's car which she and the family worked hard to provide.
"And both were the result of speeding motorists who don't seem to have any concern for slowing down on what is clearly a dangerous bend.
"We have the support of both MPs which we are grateful for and now the police are coming out on Saturday which might lend some weight to the campaign as it is not just me and Natalie who are concerned, the neighbours are as well as it could be their houses or vehicles next."
Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for environment and highways on Dudley Council said: “We are aware of the incidents and are in contact with the residents.
"We undertook a 7-day speed survey, which showed that the majority of vehicles were within 31.9mph, within tolerance for the 30mph speed limit."
"There are already road markings advising drivers to slow down, and the road surface has been treated to help drivers maintain control on this gradient.
"Given the available data, there are no current plans to introduce additional measures.”
But Mr Ballinger confirmed he had been in touch with police to set up a speed operation had been planned for Saturday.
He said: " I have been notified of a residents' concerns about speeding on Hayes Lane. We do have a speed operation booked on the lane on Saturday November 9 which will be carried out by the Lye and Amblecote LPA and I will look forward to hearing about the results of this as clearly there are concerns in this area."