Big-hearted Stourbridge pub couple win award for fundraising only months after taking over
A couple who run a Stourbridge pub have won a community award, only fourth months after taking it on.

The Jolly Crispin in Church Street has won the Proper Pubs Quarterly Community Hero Awards awarded by Admiral Taverns.
Wendy and her partner and landlord Michael Edgcumbe organised a charity day and head-shave at the pub last month which raised £2,700 to have a bleed kit and defibrillator installed.
After the cost of those two items was taken out, they donated £250 to the RBL Stourbridge poppy appeal and £250 to Mary Stevens Hospice. Other charity events include a food drive at the end of this month and it was these initiatives which helped the pub win the award.
Wendy said: "We haven't been here long but we have made a lot of good friends in Stourbridge and with the customers who have welcomed us warmly and that's what we want this pub to be – not just somewhere to come for a drink but a community venue where everyone feels welcome in a safe and friendly atmosphere.
"The bleed kit was installed outside the pub this week and the defibrillator is on order. The idea of putting them outside the pub rather than inside is that they are accessible 24-hours-a-day and activated by calling 999 and getting a code. So again, we are trying to do what we can for the community."
Matthew Gurney, the operations director for Proper Pubs said: “On behalf of myself, and the whole team I would like to thank Wendy for all her hard work at The Jolly Crispin and her fantastic fundraising efforts.
"She is a worthy winner of the Proper Pubs Quarterly Community Hero Awards, an initiative launched to celebrate and recognise the amazing work our operators do to support local causes