Express & Star

Appeal to identify three men after another assaulted and robbed in Stourbridge

An appeal for help has been launched to identify three men after another man was assaulted and robbed while getting a taxi.

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West Midlands Police have issued images of these three men after a man was assaulted in Stourbridge in February. Photo: West Midlands Police

West Midlands Police have launched the appeal to identify the three men after the incident in the early hours of Saturday, February 11 on Stourbridge High Street.

The man was attacked and robbed by three men while trying to get a taxi at around 3am, suffering serious facial injuries in the process.

The force has asked for anyone with any information to get in touch via Live Chat on the West Midlands Police website.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "Do you recognise these men?

"We want to identify them after a man was assaulted in Stourbridge in the early hours of Saturday, February 11.

"Between 3am and 3.20am, a man was attacked and robbed by three other men while trying to get a taxi on Stourbridge High Street. He sustained serious facial injuries as a result.

"Think you can help? If so, call 101 or use Live Chat on our website quoting crime 20/161864/23."

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