Apartment conversion stokes traffic collision fears
An apartment conversion in Stourbridge has erupted in a string of concerns over traffic collisions.

Residents say visitors to the nursing home opposite as well as The Starving Rascal pub are already clogging up the streets.
Plans would see the existing house, on Collis Street in Amblecote, transformed into two, one-bedroom apartments. Planning chiefs say parking demand is no greater than the existing requirements of the three-bedroom dwelling.
They added: “Refusal of permission on highway safety grounds is not, therefore, deemed to be sustainable.” But residents are worried that the situation will deteriorate if three families instead of one move into the apartments.
One resident said: “The development would be out of character and removal of existing on-street parking provision by lowering the kerb would be a problem as there are already existing parking issues. The addition of more vehicles would also be a concern.
“The road is already congested with Comberton nursing home opposite and visitors to The Starving Rascal pub who use Collis Street to park. Both apartments could house couples who both own cars with possibly four cars requiring parking spaces.
“There have already been several traffic incidents with cars entering from Brettell Lane.” Access to both apartments would be gained from the existing entrance, with apartment one occupying the first floor and apartment two occupying the ground floor.
In addition to parking concerns, residents fear the development would be out of character with the local area. Another resident said: “The dwelling is within a row of period three-bedroom family properties and is not suitable for conversion to flats due to it being at odds with all the other properties and impractical in terms of insufficient space, parking, storage and living areas.
“There could also be noise disturbance as a result of the internal layout with the first-floor living room being adjacent to neighbour’s bedrooms.”
Recommending the application for approval at today’s (Oct 13) Dudley Council planning meeting a planning officer said: “The proposed development would be of appropriate design, scale and appearance that would not harm the character of the area and would not be detrimental to residential amenity.
“Sufficient off-road parking would be provided to meet the parking demands and cycle parking and electric vehicle charging provision for both apartments can be secured by condition.”