Ryan Passey's family welcome 'huge step forward' as review into investigation starts
The family of stabbing victim Ryan Passey have welcomed "another huge step forward" after a review of the initial investigation was launched by another police force.

The 24-year-old died after being stabbed in Chicago's bar in Stourbridge in August 2017. Kobe Murray was cleared of murder despite admitting the stabbing.
Last year it was announced an independent review would be conducted by another force to look at issues including lines of inquiry which may have been missed.
It saw West Yorkshire Police being appointed in January this year to lead a review of the investigation which had been originally conducted by West Midlands Police.
Now the family of the 24-year-old have said the review has taken a step forward after a meeting was held with detectives from the Yorkshire force on Wednesday morning.

Mr Passey's father Ade and mother Gill – along with other family members – met with Detective Chief Inspector Sharron Kaye and Detective Inspector Damian Roebuck.
Family friend Jason Connon said: "The meeting was very productive and positive, and we spent around an hour and half discussing our 'Justice for Ryan' campaign and the areas we wanted out independent review to focus on. We have all come away feeling this is another huge step forward for us all."
The two police chiefs from West Yorkshire Police are expected to spend the next few days in the area visiting Stourbridge and surrounding areas relevant to the case.
Kobe Murray, aged 19, was cleared of the murder and manslaughter of Mr Passey, from Quarry Bank, at a trial in Birmingham Crown Court in 2018 after claiming he had acted in self-defence. Mr Passey’s family has since won a civil case against him Mr Murray – now 23 and known as Kareem Gayle – after a judge delivered a verdict of unlawful killing.