Express & Star

Ryan Passey: Family of Stourbridge stabbing victim launch appeal for information

The family of a young man stabbed to death in a Stourbridge nightclub have appealed for new information in a bid for a new trial.

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Father of murder victim Ryan Passey, Adrian, centre, with right private investigator Russ Winfield and left campaign head Jason Connon

Ryan Passey died after being knifed in Chicago's in 2017. Kobe Murray was later cleared by a jury. He admitted stabbing Mr Passey but said he did so in self-defence.

Mr Passey's family have already launched civil proceedings against Mr Murray in the hope of securing public recognition Mr Passey, aged 24, was unlawfully killed.

Now they are appealing for help to find "new and compelling evidence" – new evidence not cited at court – to appeal the acquittal verdict and obtain a new trial.

The family, with their Justice for Ryan campaign, is keen to find out information around the knife used which they understand was bought from DIA Leisure.

It was purchased from the Brierley Hill shop a couple of weeks before the incident and the family want to know any details about the whereabouts of it – between when it was bought and the incident.

In conjunction with their private investigators Liberton investigations, the family have released a new online video appealing for people with information to come forwards.

It has been launched on the third anniversary – on February 6 – of the day jurors acquitted Kobe Murray. The family also believe people may still be withholding vital information.

The appeal comes after Civil Prosecution Papers were served to Kobe Murray in December last year after the process was undertaken by Ryan's father Adrian Passey.

Anyone with information should contact them confidentiality at or