Christmas packages for patients
More than 100 hot Christmas dinners and festive treats will be delivered to patients who use a hospice and their relatives in the run-up to Christmas.

Volunteers and staff from Stourbridge-based Mary Stevens Hospice will deliver the meals and items to help bring some festive joy amid Covid-19.
It will see them deliver more than 120 meals to people in need along with care packages donated by volunteers and Ham Dingle Primary School.
Ruth Davies, day services unit sister at Mary Stevens Hospice, said: “This will be our final delivery of care packages for the year and is such a feel-good thing for us, the patients and families as we usually are able to celebrate with a party in the hospice itself.”
Ham Dingle Primary School, based on Old Ham Lane in Stourbridge, put together and donated care packages which contain Christmas cards and sweet treats.
A volunteer at the hospice has donated little gifts for patients, with the items delivered in bags made by Dudley Scrubs and the dinners made by The Deli in The Village, Hagley.
It comes after the hospice received funding of £3,750 earlier this year from the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Community Initiative Fund – with the funds used to provide care package deliveries over lockdown.
And patients at the hospice have been treated to a special annual Carers Christmas party – with a special Zoom meeting organised by the hospice. A grant the charity received has been used to ensure everyone can tune in.
It saw the hospice’s Spiritual Care Coordinator Keith Judson organise the festive event, held on Wednesday, which saw hospice staff sing Christmas carols.
For more information about Mary Stevens Hospice, visit