Old CCTV cameras replaced in Stourbridge amid £1.7m upgrade
Old CCTV cameras are set to be replaced with new, state-of-the-art equipment in Stourbridge this weekend.
The town centre and ring road will have old and outdated cameras replaced with fresh, new technology to boost security.
As part of the ring road installation, two lanes will be closed to traffic on Sunday, from Birmingham Street to Hagley Road.
The work is part of a borough-wide investment in the scheme, with Stourbridge being the latest to benefit from the boost in safety.
Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member responsible for community safety, said: "We are investing £1.7million into improving our camera coverage and the capabilities of the system.
"When complete it will provide a comprehensive safety network to make our town centres safer than ever before.
"The work in Stourbridge starts on the ring road this week and that may lead to some disruption for motorists travelling in that area. We apologise for any inconvenience but I’m sure the boost in security will be welcomed by everyone.”
"Dudley was the first town centre to go live with the new system, with work also in progress and nearing completion in other town centres and key sites across the borough."
The CCTV improvements are one of a number of investments which were announced as part of the budget proposals last year.