Stourbridge care home waits to hear its fate
Plans for an extension to a Stourbridge care home, which its owners say is needed to stop its 23 residents being made homeless, is expected to be decided next week.
Hillcroft Nursing Home in Wordsley has submitted an amended scheme to Dudley Council’s development committee after councillors voted to a postpone a decision three weeks ago.
At that meeting, Paul Burton on behalf of the home, said the extension was needed to replace spaces lost after regulations were changed to prohibit shared bedrooms.
He added the new rooms were essential to ensure it remained financially viable.
Objectors, though, raised complaints ranging from congestion, impact on wildlife, loss of trees and privacy which was supported by a petition with 86 signatures.
Other complaints said the extension would be overbearing and be an over-development of the site.
Councillor Kerry Lewis told the committee the home was in the Wordsley Church Conservation Area and the impact of the proposed extension would be detrimental to surrounding area.
Members of the committee put back their decision to carry out a site visit.
In a report to the committee on the new revised application, planning officers say the home has submitted an updated plan making changes to the storage of waste bins in the proposed extension.
In recommending approval of the extension, planning officers have said: “It is considered on balance that the development would lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset namely the Wordsley Church Conservation Area and the public benefit of the proposal would outweigh this harm.
“In addition, there would not be any significant detrimental impact on surrounding residents and as such, in this instance it is recommended that the application be approved.”
Members of development committee will consider the application at their meeting on December 4.