Express & Star

Home Secretary Sajid Javid guest of honour at sporting club lunch

The Home Secretary was the guest of honour when one of the region’s most prestigious amateur sports clubs held a celebrity luncheon.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid was guest of honour at the lunch

Sajid Javid addressed 122 members and guests of Pedmore Sporting Club (PSC) at the event in Hagley Hall’s historic Long Room.

At a testing time for the Government, the Bromsgrove MP who was appointed Home Secretary in April, spoke for 30 minutes on UK politics and current affairs.

Mr Javid, who was joined at the event by club patron, Lord Cobham and his wife Lady Cobham, also took questions submitted by members of the audience from long time PSC member and television presenter Bob Warman.

PSC secretary Alan Nicklin said: “It was a fantastic event and we are grateful that the Home Secretary was kind enough to accept the invitation from our president, Jon Bellfield.

“The Long Room was packed and everyone present enjoyed an excellent lunch.”

Guests at Pedmore Sporting Club (PSC) lunch at Hagley Hall

Following his speech Mr Javid was presented with a piece of handmade Stourbridge cut glass, donated by British Glass Foundation chairman Graham Knowles.

He was also handed a donation of £2,000, which had been raised by club members and guests, for his chosen charity, the Norton Collection Museum in Bromsgrove.

PSC was founded in Stourbridge in 1970 and has more than 100 members, mostly based in the West Midlands.

The club has donated more than £1.5 million to worthy causes since its inception.

PSC is currently open for invitation for new members. Email for details.

Hagley Hall’s Long Room was created to display paintings and sculpture.

It was said to be used for family cricket practice in the 19th century.

In recent years, it has been completely renovated to its original glory, including the Corinthian columns, classical frieze and plasterwork and chandeliers.

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