Two cars overturn in crash that left man needing hospital treatment
Two cars flipped in a crash on a Black Country road that left a man in hospital.

West Midlands Ambulance Service were called out to reports of a two-car road traffic collision on Gospel End Road between Wombourne and Sedgley at 8pm on Monday.
An ambulance and paramedic officer attended the scene and found two overturned cars blocking the road.
A man was freed from one of the vehicles with assistance from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue and treated for potentially serious injuries before being taken to Russell's Hall Hospital.
The driver of the other vehicle had managed to free themselves from the car and declined to be assessed by ambulance staff.
A spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service said: "We were called to reports of a two-car RTC on Gospel End Road at 8.07pm last night.
"One ambulance and a paramedic officer attended the scene.
"On arrival we discovered two cars that had overturned.
"The driver of the first car, a man, had to be freed from his vehicle with assistance from the fire service.
"Ambulance staff treated him for potentially serious injuries before he was transported to Russell’s Hall Hospital.
"The driver of the second car managed to free themselves from the car and they did not wish to be assessed."
Staffordshire Fire and Rescue have been contacted for a statement.