Fundraiser target hit for memorial garden in memory of Kingswinford teacher
A fundraising appeal to create a lasting memorial to a much-loved Kingswinford teacher has surpassed its £6,000 target in just three weeks.

Donations poured into the appeal to create a Garden of Peace and Reflection at Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary Academy as a tribute to Adele Howells, who died from cancer last November, aged 44.
Adele had taught at the village school for 16 years and her death, just a few weeks after taking leave to start cancer treatment, shocked the whole school community.
Hayley Tarbet, PTA treasurer, said: “The response to the appeal has been overwhelming, demonstrating just how much she was respected and loved and how much she is missed.”
The appeal was run as an Aviva Crowdfunder with match funding of £2 for every £1 donated. The fund currently stands at £6,415 and still has a more than a week to run.
Mokshuda Begum, head of school, said: “We did it. What a brilliant achievement. Words cannot express how moved we are by all who donated to support this special project. Thank you - we are very lucky to have a community that will work hard to achieve a common goal.”
At the heart of the garden will be a gazebo where a whole class can be outdoors reading and learning together.
It will also be a peaceful retreat for children to have time out to reflect and read and will be landscaped with plants, including forget-me-nots.
The project will also fund further opportunities to expand outdoor learning, with the planting of fruit trees, new seating around the forest school firepit and improvements to pathways.
Any last-minute donations can be made by visiting