Dudley office block set to be demolished to make way for retirement apartments
A Dudley office block is set to be demolished to make way for retirement apartments.

Churchill Retirement Living has submitted plans for 47 retirement apartments and three cottages at the site of Hampshire House, High Street, Kingswinford.
The scheme will feature 30 one-bedroom apartments, 17 two-bedroom apartment and three cottages, along with communal facilities, access, car parking and landscaping.
A statement accompanying the plans says the scheme will help meet a shortfall of retirement accommodation in the borough.
It says: "Churchill Retirement Living’s vision for the site is to deliver a development that meets our customers’ needs and the local need for retirement apartments whilst contributing to the character of Kingswinford and making a positive contribution locally in terms of social, economic and environmental benefits.
"The proposal is for a retirement housing development of circa 47 one and two-bedroom apartments and associated communal facilities, vehicular access, car parking and landscaping; as well as three cottages fronting Water Street.
"Our aim is to create a high quality development that embraces sustainable design and enhances the setting of the area."
The statement concludes: "It is evident that there is critical need for the delivery of older people housing in the borough and a significant pressing need within the administrative boundary of the council.
"This planning application proposal will contribute towards delivering these much needed homes, including older people housing. That contribution can be considered as a significant benefit which weighs strongly in favour of this planning application."
The site is currently leased to two firms. If the application is successful, the existing building will be demolished and replaced with a three-storey building.
The scheme has met with local opposition, with one nearby resident saying it was "out of character with neighbouring bungalows" and another saying it would "decrease the value" of their property.
It will be considered by Dudley Council's planning committee.