Three-bedroom house to be transformed into care home for children awaiting permanent home
A care home that will provide care for three children as they wait for a permanent family has been approved in Dudley.

The three-bedroom property in Cottage Street, Kingswinford, was previously a family home.
After approval by a Dudley Council planning committee on Wednesday), it will now look after three children up to the age of 17.
The applicant has confirmed that “the children would be classed as low risk, this being defined as ‘when the young person has no history of violence and is willing to participate in all activities both educational as well as physical".
But objections to the application have been received from two neighbouring properties who were not happy with the application. Objections centred on the lack of off-street parking provided by the proposal, the appropriateness of a care home in this location, fears over an increase in crime and noise and worries that the surrounding properties will be devalued.
According to documents the home will employ two care workers to work split shifts based around the children’s schooling. There will also be a house-parent present during the night.
A statement from a Dudley Council planning officer recommending approval said: “It is considered that the principle of the change of use is acceptable in this instance and would not be dissimilar to a previously approved application.
The size and scale of the building would remain unchanged, and the intensity of the activity proposed would not be dissimilar to that of a family dwelling.
“Furthermore, the proposal would maintain the existing parking provision to the frontage and would not have an adverse impact upon the character of the area, on residential amenities, or highway safety.
“We find it appropriate to restrict the number of residents to be accommodated at the facility to three, in order to prevent further intensification of use at the premises and to protect the amenities of the neighbouring residents.” Subject to appeal the proposal will now be implemented within three years.