Holiday homes scheme planned for greenbelt land in Staffordshire
Plans have been submitted for a new holiday complex to help boost tourism in South Staffordshire and the Black Country.

The scheme will see 35 holiday lodges built on green belt land to the east of Ashwood Lower Lane near Kingswinford.
The 3.3 acre site, which sits next to the River Stour, will also feature a shop, space for car parking and a toilet/shower block.
A design and access statement from RCA Regeneration Ltd accompanying the plans, says the development will serve local tourist attractions including Ashwood Marina.
It says the proposals will also create a new access junction from Ashwood Lower Lane into the site.
The development includes 19 smaller chalets, 10 of medium size and six large lodges. Each one will have a living area, a kitchen and either two or three bedrooms plus a bathroom and space for at least two cars.
The statement says: "Whilst the proposals constitute new development within the green belt which is strictly controlled, they will be single storey and constructed from natural materials ensuring that they blend effortlessly within the landscape.
"The proposed development proposes to enhance the tourism offer in this location of Kingswinford, adjacent to the marina and none of the chalets are proposed to be occupied year-round, and the applicant is willing to accept an appropriately worded occupancy condition to any permission granted."
It adds that the scheme would support a "prosperous rural economy" and fits in "with both local and national planning policies". The onsite facilities would be available to use for residents, while three jobs would be created in the shop.
The statement says that although the plans would constitute "inappropriate development" on the green belt with regards to the National Planning Policy Framework, "the benefits associated with the proposals are capable of constituting very special circumstances which could outweigh this harm".
It adds that should the plans be given the go ahead, "substantial landscaping" would likely be proposed around the site's boundary so it would not be visible from the road.
It says in the statement: "With regards to the business case, the applicant will work in conjunction with Ashwood Marina to provide opportunities for lodge accommodation for narrow boat owners, and provide opportunities for accommodation for downsizers, all of which could contribute to the economic and social activity in and around the canal network."
The statement concludes: "We consider the scheme should be, on balance, supported and we urge you to consider these proposals favourably."