Express & Star

Firefighters tackle blaze at Kingswinford garage

A blaze at a garage in Kingswinford sent smoke plumes up into the air last night.

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The blaze in Kingswinford. Photo: Robby's Fine Cuisine

Three fire crews were called to the scene in Summer Street just after 7pm.

Firefighters managed to stop the blaze spreading to nearby garages.

The cause is not yet known, a spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said.

Stourbridge Fire Station tweeted saying: "Crews from Brierley Hill, Stourbridge and Haden Cross attended a garage fire in Kingswinford last night.

"Excellent work by the BA crew stopped the fire from spreading to the nearby lock ups."

Jay Saeid, the owner of Robby's Fine Cuisine, said one of his delivery drivers thought the restaurant was on fire.

He said: "It was a full house, we were packed and all of a sudden my delivery driver called me and asked if the restaurant was on fire as he said he could see smoke.

"I ran upstairs and saw a fire that was growing and growing, then before I knew it there were firefighters and police.

"These things never happen in Kingswinford."