Pub displays new sculpture to thank to key workers
A pub landlord preparing to reopen hit on an artistic idea to decorate the building while paying tribute to lockdown heroes.

Kevin Wall runs The Old Gate Inn at Heathton, near Claverley, and wanted artwork with a message. He teamed up with an independent artist who recently began making steel sculptures for gardens.
Kevin said: "I have been busy getting my pub ready for reopening and also wanted to pay tribute to our key workers and NHS. I came up with the idea of a wall-mounted sign to incorporate the NHS, rainbow for key workers, poppies for remembrance, and a farmer with his dog for our local farming community.
"I stumbled across a local artist on Facebook [Paul Taylor of Nature's Fantasma] who was advertising a new venture in garden sculptures made out of laser-cut steel.
"I contacted him with a sketch of what I had in mind, which must be the worst sketch in the history of art, but once he had stopped laughing at my attempt he came back with a fantastic design, pretty much exactly what I had in mind.
"I immediately approved his design and a week later he delivered."
The piece now adorns the outside wall at the pub.
Kevin said: "Since lockdown, [Paul Taylor] has been trying to get his new venture off the ground. I cannot praise him enough."
Learn more about Nature's Fantasma, based in Kingswinford, at