Express & Star

Petition demands clampdown on reckless driving in Halesowen as residents live in 'climate of fear'

A petition has been launched in Halesowen demanding a new approach to stopping reckless and dangerous driving on the town's streets.


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Halesowen North Councillor Stuart Henley believes the number of incidents are not being reported correctly, which is creating an untrue perception whilst residents live in fear.

The petition calls on West Midlands Police and Dudley Council to commit more resources to the problem.

Councillor Henley said: "I've been contacted by numerous concerned residents regarding the alarming rise in speeding and reckless driving on our streets in Halesowen. This is a serious issue that puts lives at risk, and we need immediate action. I've launched a petition to push for stronger measures from both the police and the council.

"If you're fed up with the dangerous driving in our area, please sign and share the petition linked below. The current system relies too heavily on police accident data, which doesn't capture the full picture since many incidents go unreported.

Cllr Henley

"That's why I've called for better ways to track and measure these incidents. In the meantime, I urge everyone to report any speeding or reckless driving to the police. The more data they have, the more pressure we can apply for action. If they don't act, we will have the evidence to demand answers."

The petition says: "Residents of Halesowen North are increasingly alarmed by the reckless disregard for safety displayed by speeding drivers. Excessive speed significantly increases the risk of severe accidents involving pedestrians, other vehicles, and street furniture. These collisions cause immeasurable suffering, strain emergency services, and burden taxpayers with the colossal costs of road traffic accidents.

"Speeding has escalated throughout the area, creating a climate of fear. Despite repeated pleas from the community, the issue continues to be underplayed. We urge Dudley Highways and Halesowen/West Midlands Police to take decisive action to protect our community.

"Implementing effective speed calming measures, such as street calming and speed cameras, is essential. Furthermore, the introduction of instant fines for offenders would serve as a strong deterrent. Roads including Narrow Lane, Long Lane, Malt Mill, Nimmings Road, and Lansdowne have been identified as particular concerns and require urgent attention."

It states: "Residents are demanding tangible action, not empty promises or excuses. It is time for Dudley Highways and the police to demonstrate a genuine commitment to addressing this issue."

Residents with dash cam footage, CCTV, or any other evidence of reckless driving are asked to submit it to the police. Try to capture registration numbers where possible.

Learn more about how to upload evidence here.