Pensioner killed in Brierley Hill house fire

An elderly man has been killed in a house fire in the Black Country.

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The scene of the fire at The Goss, Brierley Hill

The man, aged in his 80s, died in a blaze at a house in The Goss, Brierley Hill, on Thursday evening.

The pensioner was pronounced dead at the scene after emergency services were called at around 10.20pm.

Police and firefighters are investigating what started the fire but the man's death is not being treated as suspicious.

A spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service said: “On arrival at the scene, ambulance staff were told by colleagues from the fire service that there was one patient inside the property.

“Unfortunately, once with the patient, a man, it quickly became evident that nothing could be done to save him and he was confirmed dead at the scene.”

One ambulance and a paramedic officer attended The Goss, which is a small residential cul-de-sac that backs onto Dudley Canal.

Firefighters at the scene in Brierley Hill

Residents in the area have spoken of their shock at the incident.

Ray Pearson, who lives nearby, said: "I found out that it started about 10pm last night, but unfortunately, I sleep pretty well and I didn't know anything was going on till about 12am, and the policeman tapped on the door. That's when I saw fire engines and police cars everywhere and a smell of smoke in the air.

"I know the guy had lived there all his life and it was his parents' home, but he kept himself to himself.

"It is really sad though and I'm in a bit of shock about it as you don't expect it to happen somewhere like this."

A fire engine at the scene

Another resident, who did not wish to be named, said: "We saw smoke about 9pm, but couldn't tell where it was coming from, then we saw fire engines flying past our house.

"He lived alone and we didn't see him much, but he was well known around here because his dad built most of the houses here.

"It's really awful to hear he's died and I'm sad for him and the family."

Another added: "I saw smoke and heard the noise, but only found out this morning.

"It's really horrible and I hope they figure out what happened."

A West Midlands Police spokesman said: "On arrival, our officers found a man in his 80s being treated by paramedics. Despite their best efforts the man sadly died at the scene.

"A joint investigation was launched to understand the circumstances behind the fire, but the man’s death is not being treated as suspicious at this time."

A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service added: "At 10.11pm on Thursday we received a 999 call reporting a house fire at The Goss, Brierley Hill.

"Fifteen firefighters and three fire engines responded – from Brierley Hill, Haden Cross and Stourbridge fire stations – with the first crew arriving in under three minutes.

"The incident involved a fire on the ground floor of a detached house.

"Very sadly, the body of a man was found inside and his death was confirmed by West Midlands Ambulance Service.

"The fire had been fully extinguished by 10.50pm and our fire investigators are working to establish how it started."