Express & Star

Flames shoot up as thick smoke billows over Black Country - WATCH

A blaze sent plumes of smoke billowing into the sky across the Black Country.

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Thick plumes of smoke billow up from the fire in Brierley Hill. Picture: Wayne Shakespeare

Thick black smoke was spotted on the horizon three miles away from the fire in Brierley Hill.

Around 30 firefighters tackled the blaze in a factory yard off Bull Street, in the Hawbush area.

Flames ripped through 12 bales of cardboard and wood, say West Midlands Fire Service.

Crews were called to the scene at around 1.10pm. It is thought the fire was at Bull Street Trading Estate.

Firefighters worked to stop the spread of flames to neighbouring warehouses.

Water was being pumped from a nearby canal to help douse the flames.

Barmaid Becky Wright, of The New Wellington pub, in nearby Brettell Lane, said staff had heard a loud bang.

"We wondered what was happening. We did see a lot of black smoke all of a sudden," she said.

Video taken by Express & Star reporter Luke Bartlett close to the fire showed flames bursting into the air by fencing bordering the industrial site.

Police and fire officers were captured making their way towards the blaze as it took hold.

Staff from Hawbush Primary School said the school had been unaffected but black smoke had been seen overhead.

Bystanders saw flames burst from behind factory buildings as smoke rose.

Russell Preston tweeted: "I came off my lunch break and there was a crowd watching something. I came out and there was tall fire with black smoke."

Roads were clogged in the area as stunned residents and nearby workers spotted the blaze.

West Midlands Fire Service say six crews were sent to the scene.

Teams from Brierley Hill, Haden Cross, Stourbridge, Tipton, Dudley and Bilston fire stations attended.

Flames affected an area of around 165 sqft (50 sqm).