Express & Star

Stourbridge MP welcomes intervention over use of poles in broadband installation

Government plans to issue new guidance limiting telegraph broadband pole installation have been welcomed by Stourbridge MP Suzanne Webb following concern from residents across the town.

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Kingswinford residents packed a meeting at DK Rugby Club last month - most were against the installation of telegraph poles by their homes

Ms Webb had asked ministers to act as residents were protesting about broadband company brsk putting up the huge poles. A stormy public meeting was held in Kingswinford last month which found the majority of people attending against the poles.

Kingswinford residents packed a meeting at DK Rugby Club last month - most were against the installation of telegraph poles by their homes

The MP has met with brsk several times to try and get the company to be more mindful of where and when the poles are installed but now the government has stepped in.

In a letter to all fixed line broadband operators, the digital infrastructure minister Julia Lopez said: “In light of increasing public concern, it is more important than ever for you to ensure that you are doing everything possible to explore the possibility of sharing existing infrastructure and underground network deployment before making the decision to use telegraph poles.

“New telegraph poles should only be in cases where installing lines underground is not reasonably practicable, and only after ensuring that appropriate community engagement has taken place and that the siting of new infrastructure will not cause obstructions to traffic or unduly impact the visual amenity of the local area.”

She added she would ask officials to consider revising the existing Cabinet Siting and Pole Siting Code of Practice.

Ms Webb said: “I am very pleased the minister has stepped in and reminded companies like brsk of their obligations and responsibilities around putting in this important infrastructure,”

Suzanne Webb: Pleased with Government intervention on broadband issue

“People across Dudley borough are pretty fed up with what could be called a cavalier approach from brsk who seem to think they can put a giant telegraph pole wherever they like.

“This is not the case by any measure, as the minister has pointed out, and all companies should be sharing infrastructure and installing telegraph poles only when there is no alternative.

“Action from the government on this feels like a victory for people power. I will continue to work with communities and hold brsk to account over these poles.

“We need to have the best broadband and this is important work I very much want to see happen. It is a shame there has been totally unnecessary upset and conflict. I urge brsk to heed the minister’s letter and act accordingly.

Suzanne Webb with Lye councillor Dave Borley and community campaigners who have opposed the use of poles in installing broadband

A spokesman for brsk said: "Brsk welcomes the plans to issue new guidance, as this is a procedure that we have always followed.

We do extensive investigation and planning before deployment, and our network is built within and on the existing telecommunications infrastructure under Code Powers issued by OFCOM, using the Openreach PIA (Physical Infrastructure Access) Product.

Although it is a voluntary code of practice, we work to ensure that all poles we stand conform to the code of practice for the siting of street cabinets and poles. sometimes the existing infrastructure is insufficient for us to serve some premises, and on these occasions, we need to upgrade the infrastructure to provide services to all residents.

"The planting of poles where necessary is widely used within the industry, and generally accepted as the most effective, and most environmentally-friendly option, to upgrade infrastructure. A large amount of infrastructure could already exist underground, which leaves no space for any new infrastructure.

"The poles are placed in locations which cause the least disruption to residents, and any residents who may be impacted are directly communicated with through our engagement process which begins before any work commences and continues throughout the deployment journey."

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