Express & Star

Dudley debt is equal to £2k per person

Cash-strapped Dudley Council’s debts mean each borough resident owes the equivalent of more than £2,000, according to researchers.

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Dudley Council

The authority, which is struggling to fill a £12m budget black hole, had debts totalling £663,814,000 during the second quarter of the current financial year.

BBC analysts claim Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities data shows the figure boils down to £2,051 for each of the borough's 323,581 residents.

Dudley spends around £320m per year and councillors are grappling with a deficit which means big spending cuts look certain for the coming financial years.

Councillor Steve Clark, Dudley cabinet member for finance, said: “Debt is a normal part of the function of any local authority and we invest in assets to allow us to run services right across the council.