Express & Star

Council must make massive carbon cuts

Dudley Council must cut thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide from its emissions to become net zero by 2030.

Dr Rob Clinton

According to a report for the authority’s Climate Change Select Committee 13,209 tonnes of the climate-wrecking gas must be taken out to hit the target.

The main sources of carbon dioxide produced by the council are heating buildings, which coughs up 30.9 per cent of the emissions plus electricity used for its own use which contributes 45.5 per cent.

In his foreword for the report, the council’s climate lead for climate change, Dr Rob Clinton, said: "The devastating consequences of climate change can be seen globally, the urgent need to act on climate change is prevalent like never before.

"We have a duty as caretakers of the planet to help tackle this human-induced challenge and to put actions in place to help safeguard Dudley’s residents, communities, businesses and the local environment."

The council has committed to becoming net carbon zero by 2030 and aims for the whole borough to be net zero by 2041, nine years before the national target set by the government in Westminster.

The authority, which is among 300 UK councils to declare a climate emergency, aims to set up a climate change partnership over the next six to 12 months where it will invite businesses and community groups to have a say on how to achieve its net zero targets.

People in Brockmoor are already seeing changes after the council was awarded £1.65m from the West Midlands Combined Authority to retrofit improved insulation and low-energy heating systems in 50 homes plus fund improvements to green spaces and transport.

The council still has plenty to do to upgrade its housing stock, of the 4,706 of its homes given an energy rating 52 per cent got to band C, which is expected to become the minimum requirement for the nation to hit net zero, while 46 per cent are on band D or below.

In the committee’s report, which will be discussed at a meeting on January 24, acting service director for neighbourhood delivery, Nick McGurk, said: “The incidence and severity of extreme weather events is increasing.

“In the past decade, Dudley has experienced a wide range of extreme weather, including surface water flooding, heatwave, heavy snow and storms which have impacted on the health, wellbeing and livelihoods of residents.”