Dudley Zoo appeals to owners of cat who keeps climbing into animal enclosures
Dudley Zoo is appealing to the owners of a cat which keeps climbing into the zoo's enclosures, in a bid to prevent the cat from getting seriously hurt.

On several occasions, the adventurous feline explorer has climbed into enclosures at the zoo and has evaded keepers who have tried to catch it.
The zoo is now appealing to the public to find the cat's owners, so they can prevent the cat getting itself into harm's way.
A spokesperson for Dudley Zoo said: "We need your help! Do you live near the zoo and could this be your cat?
"We think it’s owned as it’s wearing a collar, but it keeps getting into animal enclosures and won’t let keepers anywhere near it to be able to catch it and scan it for a microchip.
"If you recognise our feline friend, please call our office on 01384 215313."
The Black Country attraction boasts animals including tigers, lions, Arctic foxes, and an array of monkeys, all of which could be very dangerous playmates for a small cat.
Commenting on Facebook, one person said: "It was prowling around the gibbon enclosure a few weeks ago and they were very unhappy about it!
"Talented little cat, but dangerous (for the cat and the exotics)! Really hoping no harm is caused to the collection.
"Have seen the same issue in quite a few zoos, and so much damage caused by outdoor cats and their visits!"
Another person said: "I can't really laugh at this when I think what could happen. Please get help to get this cat safely trapped before the poor thing gets killed.
"Contact as many rescues as possible for help/advice and to borrow a trap."