Express & Star

Trio of 'amazing' models depicting Crooked House's heyday and tragic demise created

A trio of diorama pieces have been created telling the story of the Crooked House.

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Ian Young (left) David Smith (right) look on at the diorama models of the Crooked House. First of the Crooked House fully built up, then the building on fire, and the third is of the rubble after the structure was demolished.

The three pieces were created by Ian Young, a Yorkshireman who moved to the Black Country, who felt that after seeing the iconic pub's demise, he had to create the piece.

Ian, 58, initially created one of the pieces and posted it into the Facebook group 'Save the Crooked House'.

After getting a lot of positive feedback, a man named David Smith was so impressed that he got in touch with Ian to buy it off him. Since then he has commissioned Ian to build two more models, one of the famous watering hole on fire, and the second one of the rubble with protestors on the land.

Speaking about this, David, 56, from Sedgley said: "I first went there as a child and I fell in love with the Crooked House.

"So when I first saw Ian post it on Facebook, I thought that I had to buy it off him, and then I had the idea that the full story had to be told, as a lot of people are upset with what has gone on.

Ian Young looks on at the diorama model of the Crooked House.

"Each piece is tagged with dates, and they have little intimate details such as flashing lights on the emergency service vehicles, there is smoke vapour - they are amazing pieces that have been created.