Express & Star

Own your own mini Crooked House with a scaled 3D printed model

A 3D modelling company is giving everyone the chance to own their own Crooked House with a scaled model.

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A model of The Crooked Hosue, created by model manufacturers Inoxion Models

Inoxion Models, a model developer based in Derbyshire, has created the 3D model to give people a chance to own a piece of the historic building that was destroyed earlier this month.

Ben Hoskins, the owner of Inoxion Models, decided to create the model after seeing the pubic outcry following the devastating fire at The Crooked House on August 5 and subsequent demolition of the historic pub two days later.

Mr Hoskins, from Derbyshire, said: "I had already known about The Crooked House previously. I already have an interest in creating models of these interesting regional buildings, I try to choose unique buildings that I come across.

"I saw The Crooked House and put it onto my list. I started collecting a fair bit of reference material around the building, picture references and any blueprints that I could find."