Express & Star

Couple recall how Crooked House made wedding 'best day' - after initial venue burned down

A couple who married at The Crooked House pub years ago have shared their heartbreak that no-one will have a chance to experience what they got to share at their "really special" venue.

Adam and Sophie Payne were married at the Crooked House in 2017

Adam and Sophie Payne were among those who could only look on in sorrow as one of their favourite places went up in the flames on Saturday night.

The happy couple

The couple were married at the venue on September 2, 2017, choosing the location because of its strong connection to their pasts and its accommodating nature.

Adam Payne, 30, an IT manager from Himley, spoke about his perfect day: "It was one of the best days of my life, and that is largely down to the fact that it was The Crooked House.

The bar was one of the most iconic areas of the venue, sporting an antique look

"They helped to make it really relaxed, me and Sophie decided that we wanted a really relaxed wedding - and The Crooked House really went out of their way to make sure that happened."

Adam originally chose the Hickory Smokehouse in Kidderminster, which, in an eerie twist of fate, burned down before the big day. He called that blaze a 'blessing in disguise' and said it gave the couple more time to organise their dream wedding.

Sophie, centre, with her loving bridesmaids

Adam said: "We were originally going to go to the Hickory Smokehouse but that also burnt down - I think we are a bit of a curse.

Adam, centre, with his groomsmen