Merry men and women set for fun summer Stourbridge pantomime
Stourbridge-based A Comedy Theatre Group are performing their first ever summer pantomime later this month.

They are performing Robin Hood and his Merry Friends at the Elton Centre, St John's Road, Stourbridge on Saturday, July 29, and Sunday, July 30.
It is billed as fun for all the family with the usual mix of corny jokes, heroes to cheer, villains to boo and exciting adventures with a few surprises along the way.
They will perform two shows on the Saturday and one on the Sunday, with tickets available at £5 in advance or on the day.

A spokesman for the group said: "We are always looking for new members for the group and no experience is required – just reliability, commitment and a very good sense of humour.
"We specialise in sketch shows, comedy plays and family pantomimes and are looking to people who would like to get involved in all aspects and areas of producing a show."
For more information call 07954 692 5934, e-mail or look them up on Facebook or Instagram.