Express & Star

Famous faces celebrate pride in region at popular attraction on Black Country Day

It was bostin' as special guests gathered at a popular attraction to celebrate the region on Black Country Day.

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Singing superstar Beverley Knight with BGT star Amy Lou Smith

The guests at Black Country Living Museum on Friday included Mayor of Dudley Andrea Goddard, Mayor of the West Midlands Andy Street, Wolverhampton-born singing sensation Beverley Knight and Britain's Got Talent star Amy Lou Smith, from Tipton.

Spirits were high as they spoke of the pride they have for the region, where the Black Country Festival is up and running with celebratory events taking place across the area, including Musicom at Himley Hall this weekend.

Speaking about what it means to her, Beverley said: "The Black Country is warm, it's community led.

"It's the people, it's the heritage of the industry.

"Black Country Day to me means pride. It means joy. It means celebration.

"It means a beautiful accent, and don't let anybody tell you any different."

Amy-Lou said she had loved visiting the museum in Dudley to share in the nostalgia.