Dudley town centre pub put on the market with potential landlords being urged to apply
A pub in the heart of Dudley town centre has been put on the market to let with potential landlords being called on to step forward and apply.

Admiral Taverns is looking for people who can run The Castle on Castle Street, opposite the town's bus station and by the Duncan Edwards statue.
And chiefs are hoping the special someone will maintain the existing trade as well as build it and will be available to "offer more to the community".
The pub company said on its website: "The Castle is a semi-detached 1960s pub in a prominent and bustling location on the Dudley High Street surrounded by local shops and amenities.
"Admiral Taverns may consider with the right licensee to invest in the pub which would include interior redecoration along with external signage to give the pub a strong curb side side appeal.
"Ideally we are looking for an applicant who can run a busy high street location. Someone who understands the need for a versatile offer that incorporates all ages and the need for a strong marketing plan that caters for a day and evening offer.
"Our vision is to maintain the existing trade, but to build it and offer more to the community, utilising the full area of the pub. A strong business plan and a keen eye for detail is a must."
The licensee would be expected to introduce a "simple food offer" and continue to show live sports in the pub, as well as utilise a lounge which hasn't been used – which can be used for functions or by groups during the day. It also features three "good-sized" bedrooms along with a bathroom and a kitchen.
The annual rent costs £18,000, with other costs including stock and training during the tenancy. For more details and how to apply, visit Admiral Pubs.