Express & Star

Christmas spike in motorcyclist pests in Dudley, councillor claims

Nuisance motorcyclists plague beauty spots in a Black Country borough by illegally riding in parks, it was claimed today.

Swanbrook Valley

Residents living close to Swanbrook valley said the bikes are causing significant damage and even knocking people over.

The problem has been ongoing for a number of years with West Midlands Police having previously deployed drones to capture footage and identify culprits using off-road bikes illegally within public open space. It is believed many bikes may have been purchased for Christmas following a recent spike in the number of youngsters hurtling around the beauty spot.

Councillor Adam Aston who represents Upper Gornal and Woodsetton on Dudley Council has been contacted by residents who live near Swanbrook Valley to report a spate of motorbike-related anti-social behaviour.

The Labour councillor says he has received scores of complaints from fed-up residents about bikers who ride around parks in the area, making noise and generally causing a nuisance.

There are also problems with youngsters riding scramblers in the parks without any insurance or safety gear.

Councillor Aston said “It’s concerning that a small number of local young folk are riding un-insured off-road scrambler-type bikes, often without crash helmets along footpaths used by walkers on our green open space at Swanbrook Valley.

“Sadly the bikes are causing significant damage in addition to the noise nuisance and handful of near-misses and occasions where people have been knocked over. Residents have reported bikes tearing across the valley at all hours of day and night”.

Residents and councillors want to restrict access to the nature reserve as well as increase patrols both in the woods and on the roads surrounding them.

The news comes after Dudley Council agreed in November to improve security at Castle Woods after residents there faced similar issues. Councillor Adrian Hughes who also represents the area has commented: “We’re aware this is a borough-wide problem but this spike in incidents involving off-road bikes on Swanbrook Valley seems to have begun immediately after Christmas, possibly as a result of bikes being bought as presents.

“We would ask parents to remain vigilant and be aware of where their child is riding their off-road bike. We have also called on local police to step up patrols.”