Express & Star

Black Country sight loss charity handed £5,000 donation by manufacturing firm

A Black Country sight loss charity has been handed a £5,000 donation by a local manufacturing firm.

Sight loss advisors Pete Moodie and Meena Sahota on the left with Beacon’s health and wellbeing director Jan Burns on the right and Randy Chalmers, Thomas Dudley foundry director, holding a cheque in the centre

The Beacon Centre for the Blind has been given the generous sum to help people live well with sight loss.

The charity, which supports people with a range of eye conditions and other health issues, received the funding from Thomas Dudley.

The donation will be used to help provide advice, support and guidance for people impacted by sight loss through its sight loss advisory service.

The charity will be able to assist people who require support in a variety of areas, whatever stage they are at in their sight loss journey.

Beacon Centre engagement manager Becky Green said: “We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone at Thomas Dudley for their incredibly generous donation.

“This funding is so appreciated by us all here at Beacon as it will enable our specialist team to help people access the right support for them, whatever stage of their sight loss journey they are at.

"With lived experience of visual impairment on the team, they really understand the challenges having sight loss can bring and this funding will help make the world of difference for the people accessing this service in the months ahead.”

If you’d like to book a free sight loss assessment call Beacon on 01902 880 111 or email

Thomas Dudley has now donated a total of £15,000 to support Beacon’s work since 2020.

In 2021 this allowed the charity to deliver more than 100 cookery classes to help people impacted by sight loss regain their independence in the kitchen and in 2020 it enabled Beacon to purchase new equipment including braille technology.