Express & Star

Dozens of electric car charging points could be installed in Dudley streets

Plans have been unveiled to install more than 50 charging points for electric cars on residential streets across Dudley.

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More than 50 charging points for electric cars could be installed on residential streets in Dudley

Dudley Council bosses are now seeking views on the £420,000 scheme, which will be funded through an Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) grant and from the chargepoint operator.

The 53 proposed sites in the first phase of the project are located across the borough, with at least one in every ward.

A public consultation on the plans is now live and will run for three weeks, with people able to check out the proposed locations and have their say at

Councillor Shaz Saleem, cabinet member for highways and public realm, said: "This is a fantastic scheme.

"It will encourage people who perhaps would not have had the option of a charging point so close to their homes before to use greener and more environmentally-friendly vehicles."

Councillor Rob Clinton, cabinet member for waste management and climate change, added: "We are committed to playing our part in reducing our carbon footprint and tackling climate change.

"Trying to do all we can to encourage more borough residents to make the move over to electric cars is an important way in which we can do that, and as such I very much welcome this move."

The council is also currently conducting a Your Borough, Your Future survey centred around tackling climate change.

To take part in the survey, which only takes a few minutes to complete, go to

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