The best spots in Wolverhampton, Dudley and South Staffs to watch the Commonwealth Games cycling on Thursday
The public will be out in force to see the Commonwealth's best cyclists go by in their pursuit of time trial gold.

Across Wolverhampton, Dudley and South Staffs, people will be looking for the best places to watch the Commonwealth Games time trial as riders take to the streets to record the fastest time on a tough, hilly and demanding course.
Tickets to the temporary stadia set up in West Park were sold out well in advance of the Games, but while those in the park will be able to see the riders set off and return, there will still be plenty of places along the route for people to watch the race for free.

As the race heads into Wolverhampton city centre, Queen Square will be a prime location to watch the riders go by, being at the crest of a climb up from Darlington Street, with riders passing by the Prince Albert Statue and Wolverhampton Art Gallery.

Along Penn Road, where the riders leave the city centre towards Rookery Lane, there will be plenty of spaces along the side of the road towards Tesco, as well as outside Wolverhampton Royal School.

Another prime position to see the riders will be at the top of Goldthorn Hill where the road meets Rookery Lane, with riders battling the first big climb of the route.

Heading along Wolverhampton Road East, notable landmarks to watch the race from will include outside Lawnswood Campus and the Beacon Centre for the Blind, before riders hit the first timing zone in Sedgley as they head down the long section of the A457 towards the Birmingham New Road.

As the riders then turn towards Dudley, they will go past notable landmarks as Wrens Nest and Priory Park before hitting Dudley town centre, with prime viewing positions being at Coronation Gardens, Dudley Town Hall and Stone Square.

The second difficult climb out of Dudley heads up the Broadway towards Upper Gornal, a mile-long section with several climbs, before the riders head back towards Sedgley, with positions available to watch along the route.
The race heads down Moden Hill and back up Catholic Lane, the most difficult section of the course with a narrow 15 per cent drop down Moden Hill, before an almost dead stop to turn right up a 15 per cent climb up Catholic Lane.
While spectating options will be limited due to the narrowness of the road, the best position to view might be at the junction between the roads.

Other points where the race can be watched for free will be heading out of Sedgley, with the section where the men's race heads into Gornal at Cotwell End Road and the women's race at Gospel End Road worth putting a seat up at.
In Gornal, there will be areas down the Straits and Brick Kiln Lane, while the Himley Road past Himley Hall - although more remote due to not being near many houses - will have long straits for people to sit at.

Heading back into Wolverhampton, the Stourbridge Road is a long route with space for seats, while Penn Common will provide a stunning backdrop and ample room for seats, particularly at St Bartholomew's Church.

Once the race heads back onto Penn Road, the section from the Rose and Crown pub will provide plenty of spaces for seating, including at the Roebuck and Mount Tavern pubs and the range of eateries along the way.
Finally, heading back into Wolverhampton city centre, there will be opportunities to watch the race from the side of Penn Road as the city centre looms into life, and heading down School Street and Waterloo Road towards West Park.

There is also the Birmingham 2022 Festival Site, which is being set up on the day at Market Square, next to where the riders will go past as they re-enter the city centre