Express & Star

Plan 10 build 11 homes in Cradley withdrawn after campaign

Plans to build 11 homes on a small area of green space have been withdrawn after objections from the community.

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Councillors Natalie Neale and Peter Doob with residents of Highfield Road

The proposals were to build 10 houses and a bungalow on land which is currently used as a car park for people using using shops on Windmill Hill in Cradley.

However, up to 17 objections were submitted to Dudley Council, by residents and councillors between October and December last year.

They formed a new community group, ‘The Friends of Colley Gate’, to stop the planning application for the land between Highfield Road and Foredraft Street.

The reasons for objecting to the plan included increase in traffic, detrimental effects on the local economy and access to the high street.

One objection read: “It seems surreal that the council would remove so much green space from our area.

“I have been told personally by the council that I could not have the single tree removed from the pavement outside of my property, which is obstructing my driveway and damaging the footpath.

“If this is the case, why are the council proposing to remove so much greenery and replace it with buildings when there are enough buildings in the area which need to be redeveloped?”

Concerns about disabled access were also raised.

A resident of Sunbury Road said: “I object as this will destroy Colley Gate. As a disabled person, I will be unable to get through where I need to be on a pavement which will then force me to use the road as there wouldn’t be space.

“Measure it and you will see. There wouldn’t be access for emergency services either.”

And another objection read: “The other day I witnessed road rage in Highfield Road. Two cars coming in opposite directions refused to move and there was a heated argument.

“Usually cars drive up onto the path to let each other by which in itself is dangerous to pedestrians.

“The thought of the proposed building work on the green, over an extended period is really worrying.

“There’s an accident waiting to happen, or possibly, a fatality.”

The application has now been withdrawn, with councillors welcoming the move to quell the fears of residents about the loss of their local green space.

Councillor Natalie Neale, said: “I am delighted that the weight of objections submitted by the local community have been listened to.

“The application did nothing to address the issues we all raised earlier in the year, and local residents not only would have lost their green but also lost valuable parking spaces on Highfield Road that residents without off-road parking need.”

Councillor Peter Dobb said: “Thank you to everyone who got involved, including the Friends of Colley Gate, who have been a force in gathering support to oppose the application.

“Now, I want to see this green turned into a real community asset to make the most of the land and enhance the community spirit in Cradley.”

It is not the first time the land off Highfield Road and Foredraft Street has been disputed.

In November 2020, 20 objections were listed by residents to Dudley council over a planning application to build four bungalows, a detached house, 15 flats and a housing support office on two parcels of land that it owns on opposite sides of Foredraft Street.

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