Express & Star

Labour's women's group busy helping in the community

An appeal has been launched for clothes and toiletries to donate to refugees who have fled Afghanistan by members of the Dudley South Labour Women's Group.

Women at the refuge helped plant the flowers

One collection has already been organised and delivered to refugees who have settled in the area and the group is hoping to make another donation on Thursday, September 16.

Anyone who has good quality clothes is asked to contact Sarah Daniel, Dudley CLP's women's officer, by emailing, to arrange collection or drop-off.

The women's group is also continuing its support of the Chadd refuge in Dudley and used some of its funds to buy two large, locally-made wooden planters for its garden area.

Mrs Daniel said: "Two members of the group went to help some of the women and children using the refuge and planted them up."

Labour Councillor Cathryn Bayton, who represents the St James Ward, also supported a Dudley Community Forum application that saw Chadd receive a grant of £3,070.

The money will be used to buy quality play and garden equipment for the refuge.

The women's group is also appeal for knitters to get in touch and help with another appeal.

Mrs Daniel added: "Some of the women in the group have been knitting and crocheting six-inch squares during the year, which will be sewn together and turned into blankets to give as Christmas gifts for refugees who have settled in the Dudley area."

The group meets either in person or via Zoom about every three weeks.

For further information about the work of the group or how to join email Mrs Daniel.