Express & Star

Woman rescued from overturned car after crash outside Russells Hall Hospital

Firefighters had to free a woman from a 4x4 after it crashed and rolled over outside Russells Hall Hospital.

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The scene of the crash. Photo: Dudley Fire Station

Fire crews, police and paramedics were called to Kingswinford Road in Dudley at about 7.40pm yesterday.

An ambulance came across it shortly after it had happened and requested back up, a second ambulance, a paramedic officer and the MERIT Trauma Doctor and Critical Care Paramedic were then sent to the scene.

A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: “On arrival, ambulance staff found a Range Rover on its side with debris over an extended area.

The scene of the crash. Photo: Dudley Fire Station

“The front seat passenger, a woman was initially trapped within the vehicle. Working with firefighters, she was extricated before being fully assessed by the doctor on the ambulance. She was treated at the scene before being taken to Russells Hall Hospital.

“The man driving the vehicle was assessed but was uninjured and was discharged at the scene.”

Dudley Fire Station tweeted last night saying: "Kingswinford Road is currently closed following this road traffic collision outside Russell's Hall Hospital. Working with Brierley Hill Fire Station to successfully extricate one person."

A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said: "We sent a crew from Dudley and a brigade response vehicle from Brierley Hill, the first engine got to the scene in under three minutes.

"The stop message came in at 8.32pm, it was a car that had rolled over and come to rest on its side.

"It might have hit some road furniture.

"One male got himself out prior to our arrival, the female was rescued from the vehicle."