Express & Star

Dudley Council to commit to reducing carbon emissions

Dudley Council are set to become the latest local authority to declare a climate emergency.

Dudley Council

The authority's ruling cabinet will discuss proposals next week and are likely to create a group tasked with developing and implementing plans to reduce the borough's carbon footprint.

The group will be made up of councillors from both parties and council officers. It will consider what is in the council’s scope, and future measures could include rolling out a business recycling service, or building new energy efficient homes.

Council bosses say they are committed to reducing carbon emissions – and are moving to put measures in place in preparation for the matter to come back to full council.

Councillor Simon Phipps, cabinet member for procurement, transformation and commercialisation, said: "This council recognises the importance of reducing carbon emissions, and notes the Government’s target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and the West Midlands Mayor’s target for us to be a net-zero region by 2041.

"We will also be speaking to borough residents and staff to see what ideas they have for reducing our emissions as a whole borough."

The issue will be discussed at the cabinet's meeting on Tuesday.

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