Mother's Day and Palm Sunday services planned at Pensnett church
Mother's Day cake and a special four-legged guest are planned for two upcoming church services.

St Marks' Church, in Pensnett, Dudley, has announced plans for Mothering Sunday and Palm Sunday.
The church, affectionately known as the Cathedral of the Black Country, is inviting mothers to its service on March 22.
The service will feature flowers and traditional simnel cake for everybody.
On April 5, the church celebrates Palm Sunday with a donkey visiting to help depict Jesus' ride through Jerusalem with people laying palms at his feet.
Church spokeswoman Marion Ovenall said: "It would be lively to see as many as can make it, you will be made welcome."
Both services at the church, in Vicarage Lane, just off Pensnett High Street, will start at 10am.