Ex-Mayor takes on epic challenge for charity
A former Dudley mayor who is also an NHS trust governor is tackling 25 peaks in 25 hours to raise funds for two good causes.

Steve Waltho is taking on the challenge – in the fells of the Lake District on March 14 – in support of Russells Hall Hospital and the charity Access in Dudley, of which he is patron.
Steve and the other 24 governors at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust have set themselves the goal of providing beds for parents of poorly children.
Each night, up to 30 parents can be sleeping with their child in ward C2 at Russells Hall Hospital.
Each bed, which has to be specially manufactured for use in the hospital environment, costs £850 and governors will be undertaking a range of fundraising activities during 2020 with the initial aim of buying four beds.
Steve will also be raising money for Access in Dudley, a charity which looks at access issues for all, not just in the built environment but in services and service provision, as well as information in a format that is most suitable for the individual.
Steve Waltho said: "I was planning to do some hill-walking in the Lake District then realised that both of these wonderful causes needed funds so decided to turn the event into a challenge and do rather a little more than planned."
To sponsor Steve in his challenge you can go to his JustGiving site - simply search online for JustGiving and enter Steve Waltho. Alternatively you can pledge your support by email to stevewaltho@hotmail.co.uk or a text message to 07703 308463.