Express & Star

Church in bloom for special anniversary

A Dudley church will bloom in celebration of an important anniversary.


St Mark's Church in Pensnett is holding a flower festival to mark the 170th anniversary of the opening of the church.

The festival, which will run until Sunday, September 29, where a special service will take place to mark the anniversary, has a theme of "Pensnett and Bromley, Past, Present and Future".

Innovative designs are all part of the festival
Flower festival at St Mark's Church
Flower festival at St Mark's Church
The festival ends with a special service to mark the 170th anniversary of the church
The displays are all over the church

Flower displays of all shapes and sizes will be found all over the church, including around the main stained glass windows.

Hazel Hickman, one of the organisers of the festival, spoke about the significance of the festival and the anniversary.

She said: "It's a really big achievement for the church to have made it this far and it needed to be celebrated.

Each of the exhibits fits the theme of Past, Present and Future

"I do the flowers for weddings and funerals at the church, so this festival is a labour of love for me.

"In doing this festival, we want to bring in the past to show the present generation what life was like back then.

"A older couple told me it brought back memories for them and we would like it to touch everyone and bring in the community."

The displays provide colour and show the creativity of those entering them

The flower festival is currently taking place at St Mark's Church, Vicarage Lane, Pensnett, running from 10am to 4pm each day and admission is £1.50.

For more details about the festival and about the church, go to