Protest over shooting of snow leopard at Dudley Zoo
A number of angry protestors have demonstrated outside Dudley Zoo after the death of a snow leopard.

Margaash was shot dead after he escaped his enclosure in October.
The 8-year-old big cat broke free after the compound was left open and zoo officials chose to kill the animal after a concern for public safety and the amount of time a tranquilliser would take to knock him out.
The incident happened at 5pm when the park was closed and no visitors were inside at the time.
Now, 20 protestors have demonstrated outside the zoo after the news broke last week.
The protest was organised by Stacie Dunkley, a member of of the Black Country Vegans group, who stood outside the zoo on Sunday.
She said: "When I heard the news I was upset and angry, people need to know it's not ok.
"We wanted to make a point that this zoo is not a nice place and we're not happy, we want people to think twice before spending money there.
"He escaped because of a keeper error, but looking at the enclosure he was in he was bound to escape, it was so small.
"I feel strongly that they should have tried to tranquillise him, I'm no expert but the zoo was closed and secure, he couldn't have gotten far, it should have been attempted.
"I understand he could have caused danger but I'm still angry, he shouldn't have been in Dudley in the first place.
"He was bred in captivity, and I know it could have posed a threat to humans and other animals but they didn't even try to dart him.
"We were protesting for people to think twice before going to the zoo, what other mistakes are being made that we 're not told about?
"The point was for people to know what's inside, there are better options for a day out.
"There was a massive outcry over this, which is good, but people need to think about the animals that are still there that need better care.
"It took the zoo over a month to tell us what had happened, what was the delay? It makes you think there is more we don't know, the information isn't clear and it's upsetting."