CCTV captures car flipping in crash just missing jogger and dog walker
Shocking footage shows the moment a car lost control and smashed into the gardens of two houses.

The dramatic CCTV clip shows a red Renault Clio landing in a homeowner's garden after crashing into a garden wall.
It miraculously misses a jogger and dog walker making their way past seconds before the crash.
Devon Beck, aged 28, has lived on Brook Street for two years with her partner Sarah-Jane Phillips, 39, who has been at the property for eight years.
The pair caught the incident on CCTV as the car flipped onto their garden.
WATCH moment car flips in crash
The dog walker in the clip is Sarah-Jayne's brother John, who lives at the property next door.
The crash on October 27 is the second one of its kind at the couple's home.
A similar incident saw a car destroy a wall at the front of the garden five years ago.
Since the latest crash, a Facebook group has been set up by residents on the street over concerns about speeding on the road.
Devon said: "My partner's brother had to run to get out of the way, if it happened a second earlier it wouldn't be worth thinking about.
"I was away from the house at the time and had a call telling me what had happened, it was absolute carnage with police, fire engines and ambulances all there.
"The speeding on our road is unbelievable, it's insane, it's so dangerous.
"The message we need to send is about speeding awareness, we live here and we need the local authority to listen to us.
"More needs to be done, we need speed bumps or fixed cameras.
"The problem is people use it as a rat-run to get onto the Birmingham New Road.
"It's damage to our property, it's happening too often, we're not safe on our own street, especially with children and dog walkers around."
West Midlands Ambulance Service said no-one was seriously injured in the crash.